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AEM CheatSheets - The Ulitimate Collection


Here is a list of AEM development cheat sheets that I've gathered from various sources.

Sling Cheatsheet



JCR Query Cheatsheet

jcr query cheat sheet Download the pdf version of Jcr Query Cheetsheet from here.

HTL(Sightly) CheatSheet

Download the pdf version of HTL Cheetsheet from here

AEM Console CheatSheet

Download the pdf version of AEM Console CheatSheet from here

Maven CheetSheet

mvn cleanCleans the maven project by deleting the target directory.
mvn compiler:compileCompiles the Java source classes. Use "mvn compiler:testCompile' to compile the test classes.
mvn packageBuild the maven project and create jar or war files.
mvn installBuild the maven project and install the package files (JAR, WAR, pom.xml, etc) to the local repository.
mvn validatevalidate the project is correct and all necessary information is available
mvn dependency:treeGenerates the dependency tree of the maven project.
mvn dependency:analyzeAnalyze the maven project to identify the unused declared and used undeclared dependencies
mvn archetype:generateUsed to create a maven project from the archetype template project
mvn -helpPrints the usage and all the different options we can use with the mvn command
mvn site:siteGenerate a site for the maven project.
mvn testtest the compiled source code using a suitable unit testing framework.
mvn compilecompile the source code of the project
mvn verifyrun any checks on results of integration tests to ensure quality criteria are met
mvn -f dir/pom.xml packageForce the use of an alternate POM file (or directory with pom.xml)
mvn -o packageruns the maven command in the offline mode.
mvn -q packageruns the maven command in the quiet mode, only show errors and the test cases results.
mvn -X packageruns the build and produces output in the debug mode.
mvn -vDisplay maven version information.
mvn -V packageDisplay maven version information and continue with the build
mvn -DskipTests packageskips running the test cases of the project. you can also use -Dmaven.test.skip=true option.
mvn -T 4 clean installparallel build with 4 threads, useful to increase the build performance in the multiple module project.

Sling cURL CheatSheet

Here is the list of unique cURL commands A Unique Collection Of Curated CURL Commands



Khalil Ganiga

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